Black Beans With Smoked Ham Hocks

EATING BEANS AND rice is a cross-cultural phenomenon for a reason. This smoky black-bean braise, for instance, is the sort of ur-comfort food a person from most anywhere would happily lay claim to.
The recipe, from chef Mashama Bailey, dates back to a time before she garnered acclaim at the Grey in Savannah, Ga. She was working in Manhattan restaurants and living with her grandmother. Some black beans and a ham hock she found in the kitchen inspired her to whip up something hearty and warming. “It was cold the day I first made this,” Ms. Bailey recalled. “My grandmother really enjoyed it. She said, ‘You’d think a little old Cuban lady was in here cooking these beans.’ ” Simple as the dish is, it’s important to start with a solid flavor base. “Bloom the aromatics gently in butter,” Ms. Bailey said. “Once the garlic stops smelling raw, add the liquids. If the garlic is still raw, or cooked too hard, I taste it.”
If you have time, let this stew an hour or more and skip the puréeing; the beans will break down and thicken the broth on their own. And it’s wise to double the batch. “This is really good left over,” Ms. Bailey said. It’s enough to make you hope for more cold weather. —Kitty Greenwald

Mimosa Soup

Serves 1 for the weekend
1 head lettuce
1⁄2 pound carrots
1⁄2 pound celeriac
1⁄2 pound turnips
1 pound leeks
1⁄2 pound cauliflower
1⁄2 cup chopped parsley
2 hard-boiled eggs, chopped



Untuk 12 potong, Kalori per potong: 208 Kkal

- 170 g gula pasir berbutir halus
- 70 g mentega tawar
- 200 g tepung semolina
- 1/2 sdt soda kue
- 350 ml yoghurt tawar
- 20 butir kacang almond

Sirop gula, masak hingga mengental:

- 200 ml air
- 220 g gula pasir berbutir halus
- 60 ml air jeruk lemon
- 1 sdt air mawar

Asa Bil Lous


Untuk 25 buah, Kalori per buah: 113 Kkal

- 1 putih telur ayam, kocok lepas, untuk merekatkan
- Minyak sayur, untuk menggoreng
- 250 g tepung terigu serbaguna
- 60 g margarin
- 1/2 sdt garam
- 100 ml air

Isi, aduk rata:

- 200 g kacang almond, panggang, cincang halus
- 20 butir kapulaga hijau, haluskan
- 1 sdm gula pasir
- Sirop gula, masak hingga mengental:
' 150 ml air
' 200 g gula pasir berbutir halus
' 2 sdm air jeruk lemon



Untuk 6 gelas, Kalori per gelas: 231 kkal

- 300 g falooda sev (Mi putih khas India, terbuat dari tepung gandum. Bisa didapat di toko bahan makanan India. Jika tidak ada, bisa diganti dengan bihun lokal)
- 25 g biji selasih
- 75 g biji mutiara kering warna merah
- 1 1/2 L susu cair, panaskan
- 200 ml sirop mawar, siap pakai

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