Stovetop Popcorn

12:17:00 PM


- 1 tablespoon ghee (clarified butter), olive oil, or coconut oil
- 1/3 cup popcorn kernels
- Salt, to taste

1. In a medium pot with a tight-fitting lid, combine the ghee and popcorn kernels. 
Cover the pot and turn the heat to medium. 
2. As soon as you hear the first pop, hold the lid down with one hand and give the pot a little shake every 10 to 20 seconds to keep the popcorn from burning. Once the popping slow down to 2 to 3 seconds between pops, pour the popcorn into a large bowl and season with salt. 

Enjoy your cooking with your loved one

Sumber buku: Lisa Leake, 100 Days of Real Food, 20

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