The Perfect Omelet

5:15:00 AM


Difficulty: Easy
Prep and cook time: Less than 10 minutes
Makes: 2 servings

- 4 eggs
- 1 tablespoon milk
- Salt and ground black pepper, to taste
- 2 teaspoons butter

Optional: Filling such as shredded cheese, sautéed onions, bell peppers, cooked sausage, diced tomatoes, mushrooms, and/or leftover diced grilled veggie kabobs

1. In a medium bowl, thoroughly whisk together the eggs, milk, salt, and pepper. 
2. Melt the butter in a 10-inch sauté pan over medium-high heat. 
3. Once the butter has melted, but not yet browned, add the egg mixture to the pan. After about 30 seconds, tilt the pan while simultaneously using a spatula to push the edges of the omelet inward (toward the center of the pan). Tilting the pan will force the runny egg mixture to fill in around the edges. Repeat while rotating the pan for 2 to 3 more minutes until the egg is set and cooked all the way through. 
4. Sprinkle fillings (if using) over half of the omelet, fold the other half of the omelet over the top, and serve immediately. 

Enjoy your cooking with your loved one

Sumber buku: Lisa Leake, 100 days of real food, 2014

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