
3:22:00 AM


Serves: 6
Time: 40 minutes

- 3 cups fine white cornmeal

1. Mix 1 1/2 cups of cornmeal with a generous 2 cups of cold water in a deep saucepan. Put the saucepan over medium-low heat. Stir the cornmeal and water until well mixed, then add 5 cups of boiling water and continue stirring until it reaches the boiling point. The liquid should start to thicken, taking on the consistency of porr
idge, and small air bubbles should slowly form on the surface.
2. Covering the pan, leaving a small gap for steam to escape, and leave gently bubbling for 10 minutes over low heat. Now gradually add the remaining cornmeal, stirring frequently with a thick wooden spoon for 3 minutes until it is well mixed. The amount of cornmeal you add at this point you may vary depending on how fast it is cooking. The aim is to achieve a solid substance but with a fair bit of give, as it continues to cook. 
3. Leave over low heat for another 10 minutes, until the ugali has a slightly solid consistency. It will wobble a little when you shake the pan but should be solid. 
4. Fill a large bowl with cold water. Place a serving spoon in the bowl. Using the spoon, make a scoop of ugali and put it on a flat plate. It will be extremely hot at first and will firm up as it cools. Repeat this process, putting the spoon back into the cold water each time before making another scoop. 
5. Allow to cool for a few minutes, then serve. 

Enjoy your cooking with your loved one

Sumber buku: Duval timothy; Folayemi brown; & Jacob fodio todd, Food from across africa, May 2016

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