Oyako Don

2:56:00 AM


Serves 4
15 mins preparation time
7 mins cooking time (for each omelette)

- 250 g (9 oz) chicken breast or thigh fillet
- 1 leek (white part)
- 8 eggs, 2 per person
- 200 ml (7 fl oz) dashi, or water
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 3 tablespoons soy sauce
- 3 tablespoons mirin
- 4 bowls of cooked rice
- Nori squares
- Sliced spring onion (scallion), to garnish

Cut the chicken into 3 cm (1 1/4 in) cubes. Cut the leek on the diagonal into 1 cm (1/2 in) slices. Break the eggs into a bowl and mix well. Add the dashi and leek to a frying pan and bring to a boil on medium heat. Add the chicken, sugar, soy sauce, and mirin, and continue cooking until the leek is tender and the chicken is cooked. Pour the eggs into the frying pan. Once the eggs start to set, cover and cook for another 30 seconds. Remove from the heat but leave the lid on for a few minutes to let the eggs finish cooking (for an omelette that is still a little runny). 

Place the cooked rice in large individual bowls. Divide the omelette into quarters and carefully slide a quarter onto the rice in each bowl. (This is a delicate operation because the semi cooked omelette will break up easily). Garnish with the nori and spring onion. Serve immediately. 

Note: You will get better-looking results with this dish if you make individual omelettes. To do this, divide all the ingredients by 4 and cook each batch a small frying pan. 

Enjoy your cooking with your loved one

Sumber buku: Maori murota, Tokyo cult recipes, May 2016

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