Foie Gras Terrine and Lobster

8:40:00 AM


To Prepare:

- 600 gr duck liver
- 250 ml milk
- 25 ml port wine
- 25 ml brandy
- 25 gr sugar
- 100 gr potato
- 25 gr caviar
- 2,5 gr salt
- 1 gr pepper
- 25 gr crēme fraīche
- 200 gr lobster
- 100 gr brioche
- 50 gr walnut

To Make:

1. To make the terrine, first remove the vein of the foie gras. Coat the foie gras with milk and leave it overnight. 
2. The following day, spread the brandy and pink salt onto the foie gras and leave for about 1 hour. 
3. Cook the foie gras under a salamander for around 3 minutes until slightly cook. 
4. Press the foie gras overnight. 
5. The following day, poach the peeled lobster with butter until perfectly cooked and cooling down. 
6. Season to taste. 
7. Mould the foie gras into a flat shape before topping with the lobster. Carefully roll up the foie gras, encasing the lobster in the centre of the roll. 
8. Refrigerate the foie gras and lobster before serving. 
9. Garnish and serve the dish with a sprinkle of the walnuts and shreds of brioche. Cube the potato and top each one with a drop of crēme fraīche and a small dollop of caviar. 

Enjoy your cooking with your loved one

Sumber majalah:  Exquisite taste, February-April 2014

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