Textured Beetroot With Oxtail and Sorrel

4:33:00 PM


For the oxtail:

- 2 kg oxtail
- 5 cloves
- 3 star anise
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 1 litre beetroot juice
- 1 litre port
- 1 litre veal stock

To make:

1. Sear the oxtail until golden then set aside to cool to room temperature. 
2. Add all other ingredients to a heavy based pan and reduce the sauce to 2/3rd. Allow to cool to room temperature. 
3. Devide the ingredients between 2 large vacuum bags and vacuum. 
4. Sous vide at 85 degrees for 12 hours. 
5. Once cooked, allow to cool in the bag before separating the reserve liquid for the finished dish.

For the re-structured beetroot:

- 500 gr beetroot pure (from salt baked beetroots)
- 15 gr F-50 methyl cellulose
- 30 ml sherry vinegar
- 20 gr salt
- 3 gr pepper

To make:

1. Blend all the ingredients together in a thermo mix. 
2. Vacuum and store at 4 degrees celcius for 12 hours. 
3. Pipe the mixtures into sphere pavoflex moulds and freeze. 
4. When required, reheat the balls in 500ml fresh beetroot juice at 75 degrees to set them. 

For the candy beetroot chips:

- 400 gr beetroot puree (from salt baked beetroots)
- 60 gr icing sugar
- 1g xantham gum
- 70 gr isomalt
- 15 gr glucose

To make: 

1. Blend the isomalt, icing sugar, and xantham gum into a fine powder. Add the puree and the glucose and blend until smooth. 
2. Spread the mixture onto a dehydrator sheet with the cycle stencil and dehydrated over night. 

For the horseradish cream:

- 1 litre milk
- 1 horseradish peeled and grated
- 300 gr yoghurt
- 30 ml lemon juice
- 18% ultra-tex 4
- 8 gr salt

To make: 

1. Infuse the milk with the horseradish by bringing it to the boil and letting it infuse for 30 mins. 
2. Pass the milk through a fine sieve, squeezing well to extract all the milk. Allow to cool. 
3. Put the milk, yoghurt, salt, and lemon juice into the thermo-mix and blend on speed 4 until emulsified. 
4. Sheer in ultra-tex until it reaches the thickness of a fluid gel. 
5. Set aside. 

For the sorell emulsion:

- 500 ml clarified apple juice
- 200 ml english sorrel
- 50 ml le chateau estoublon wine
- 0,5 gr soy lecithin

To make:

1. Pour the apple juice into a metal bowl which has liquid nitrogen in it. Note: don't use too much nitrogen as you don't want the juice to freeze, you just want it to stay really cold. 
2. Pour juice into a de-canting funnel and leave until the juice has completely separated. 
3. Drain the juice and set aside. 
4. Juice the sorrel leaves through a herb press, then add to the apple juice. 
5. Finish by adding the lecithin, olive oil, and blending with a hand blender until dissolved and aerated. 

For the baby beetroots:

- A handful of baby beetroots, peeled
- 200 ml sherry vinegar
- 150 ml beetroot juice
- 150 ml red wine
- 2 cloves
- 2 star anise
- 1/2 bunch thyme
- 1 bay leaves
- 10 peppercorns
- 3 juniper berries

To make:

1. Take all the ingredients and vacuum
2. Cook at 85 degrees celcius for 45 mins
3. Strain the liquid and allow to cool. 
4. Cut the beetroots into quarters, allow to cool and place back into the pickling liquid. 
5. Serve with all the other prepared components. 

Note: Resep kali ini bener2 untuk yg expert, kalo kalian dapat membuatnya dengan baik selamat yah! Pasti bakal makin asik saat coba2 masak resep selanjutnya. 

Enjoy your cooking with your loved one

Sumber majalah: Ryan clift, Exquisite taste, February-April 2014

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