Basil Panna Cotta

12:13:00 AM


For the panna cotta:

- 500 ml fresh milk
- 500 ml fresh cream
- 100 gr white sugar
- 40 gr fresh italian basil leaves
- 6 pc gelatine leaves


1. Soak the gelatine in cold water
2. Finely slice the basil and combine with the milk, cream, and sugar, place in a saucepan and bring to the boil. 
3. Simmer for 1 minute and remove from the heat. 
4. Now remove the soaked gelatine and squeeze out any excess water and whisk into the hot mixture. 
5. Blend the mixture with a stick blender and pour into tubular moulds which are lined with plastic. 
6. Allow to cool then set in the refrigerator for 24 hours. 

For the basil jelly:

- 200 gr fresh basil leaves
- 1 litre water
- 120 gr sugar
- 11 pc gelatine leaves


1. Combine the water, sugar, and basil and bring to the boil. 
2. Soak the gelatine in cold water for a few minutes then removes and squeeze out any excess water. 
3. Combine all the ingredients and blend. 
4. Pass through a fine sieve, pour into moulds and cool. 
5. Once cooled, place in the refrigerator for 24 hours for set. 

For the balsamic strawberry coulis:

- 100 gr fresh strawberries
- 40 gr sugar
- 50 ml balsamic vinegar
- 100 ml water


1. Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan and boil until the strawberries are very soft and the liquid syrupy. 
2. Blend and pass through a fine sieve. 
3. The coulis will thicken once cooled and should be able to coat the back of a spoon. 

For the shortbread:

- 128 gr unsalted butter
- 128 gr white sugar
- 64 gr egg yolk
- 90 gr cake flour
- 90 gr bread flour
- 7 gr baking powder


1. Combine the butter and sugar and fold until creamy and smooth. 
2. Slowly fold in the egg yolks one by one. 
3. Gradually fold in the sifted flour and gently knead for a few minutes. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin 6mm deep and cut into shape. 
4. Place in the chiller for 24 hours. 
5. Oven bake at 150 degrees celcius for 20 minutes or until slightly golden. Top with sugar granules once cooled. 

Enjoy your cooking with your loved one

Sumber majalah: Exquisite taste, February-April 2014

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